Money Driven or Negotiation?

Money driven or negotiation is always an interesting topic when it comes to offering a candidate a job.  However, I think it is really simple if you’ve found out the right information through out the process.  I recently read this article that was posted on...

Accepting a Job Offer

Accepting a job offer can be a very exciting time but it can also be stressful if it has not been handled properly.  I recently read an article on Undercover Recruiter and it points out some things that you should consider before accepting.  Although I agree on the...

Banning emails after hours

Banning emails after hours in the work environment is actually not a bad idea.  I thought it was great way back when, when I got my first company phone, “it makes me so much more efficient and I have less emails to do the next morning”.  This article is...

Sharing Best Practices

Sharing best practices the way this company has should happen more often.  We interview people everyday and everyone of them are questioned on their lean manufacturing skills.  When a manufacturing business hires these days, one of the main requirements is to have a...

Resume Format

Resume format is something that I constantly discuss as feedback with candidates after their interview, whether it be content, the name of the file, the structure and lastly and what this post is about…file format.  I came across this older article on...