Resume format is something that I constantly discuss as feedback with candidates after their interview, whether it be content, the name of the file, the structure and lastly and what this post is about…file format. I came across this older article on and it is something that I think is underestimated by the job seeker community. Definitely worth a read on why you should NOT submit your resume in PDF format. It’s a small tip that could make a major impact for you in the search for a new position.
On the same topic of your resume format – the article below gives some great tips. I dont necessarily agree with disregarding the fact that your resume may or may not get 6s as an overview. I believe that you have to have certain points that allows the reader of your CV to want to keep reading. In engineering & manufacturing, this could include quantified achievements, education or even just the companies that you have worked for.
Here is another article about resume writing that I thought was very good. A lot of the points are valid ranging from resume format, work history, keywords to gaps in your career. Certainly worth a read.